Jedi Page Reverse

Jekyll Markdown

23 FEB

Text can be bold, italic, strikethrough or keyword

404 page example

There should be whitespace between paragraphs.

A file helps explain your intentions or simply how things work.


click to enlarge the image in page

Dummy Image 1 Dummy Image 2

the h1 tag

This is a normal paragraph following a header. is a website written in Jekyll Markdown linking other projects.

the h2 tag

This is a blockquote following a header.

Jaystation is NES thru PS1 in a web browser and is 100% free

the h3 tag

block quotes like this are made with the blockquote tag

// Javascript can change html
button type="button"  onclick='document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = function lang(l) {
  dateformat.i18n =  = Hello JavaScript!>Press("./lang/" + l);
  return true;
# Ruby code with syntax highlighting
GitHubPages::Dependencies.gems.each do |gem, version|
  s.add_dependency(gem, "= #{version}")

the h4 tag

  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
  • This is an unordered list following a header.
the h5 tag
  1. This is an ordered list following a header.
  2. This is an ordered list following a header.
  3. This is an ordered list following a header.
the h6 tag
head one head two head three
out of stock good and plenty nice
snack cookieoreos milk
snack cookiezouteoreo milk

a horizontal rule via the hr tag

an unordered list via ul and li tags

  • Item foo
  • Item bar
  • Item baz
  • Item zip

And an ordered list via the ol and li tags

  1. Item one
    1. Item one
    2. Item two
      1. Item one
      2. Item two
      3. Item three
    3. Item three
  2. Item four
  3. Item two
  4. Item three
  5. Item four

And a nested list:

  • level 1 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
      • level 3 item
      • level 3 item
  • level 1 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
  • level 1 item
    • level 2 item
    • level 2 item
  • level 1 item
Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long.
may the force be with you...
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